What the CBAM Club is
The CBAM Club brings together Trade and Customs professionals navigating the new CBAM regulations.
Everyone is learning during the transitional phase, including the EU. There is a lot of information about CBAM focused on what the regulations say. The CBAM Club is about working through the ‘how’ for your specific scenarios. The club will run Learning Forums and Webinars for anyone to join as well customized and confidential sessions for companies. Everyone gets the news and blogs.
The CBAM Club can include people of all levels of knowledge.
- Beginners
- Intermediate – you know the general information about CBAM but want to get more information.
- Advanced – fully aware of the regulations and how to navigate for your own products but want to get together to check yourself and share your knowledge with others.
- Other experts – can include engineers, lawyers, consultants, EU officials.
What CBAM is
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is an EU regulation which aims to ensure that the carbon emissions of third country production is taken into account through an additional duty charged on the import of such goods into the EU. The objective is to make sure that EU importers do not circumvent the EU objective of reducing in half the EU’s carbon emissions by 2055.
Import Obligation
CBAM is an EU regulation which is implemented at the EU border through the import declaration process. As a result, CBAM is administered by each of the EU national customs authorities. The first task is to confirm which authorities you will be dealing with. We then need to look at their rules for CBAM compliance.